Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome to A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today!!!

Welcome to A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today! The intent of this blog is twofold. First, we want to recognize those companies that are doing the right thing by becoming more sustainable. We encourage everyone to support the companies that are striving to reduce their impact and hopefully the rest of corporate america will catch on. Second, we want to show everyone how simple it is to make personal changes that help reduce your personal environmental impact. You will find a host a postings that will help you in your efforts to make tomorrow's world greener and cleaner. Soon you find posts and articles about companies who are making progress with improving their impact on the environment. You will find helpful articles about green products. You will also be able find useful links with ideas about reducing your own personal environmental impact. We hope you enjoy the information found on this blog and together we can do something special.